How we help

A member of staff will always be available to help you or to offer you with guidance or advice at any time of the day.
Our staff will work with you to develop a support plan that is tailored to your needs, and outlines pathways to help you to achieve your goals in life. Depending on what you need help with, we can offer our support with many different things.
All our staff are experienced and qualified in working with children and young people in need and are there to help you. We pride ourselves on the delivering the highest quality service possible.
Staff at Jordan Xavier Connect will help you feel safe, secure, cared for and wanted at all times.

Our aim is to ensure you are:
- Happy and secure in your home
- Supported to handle issues such as illness, or addictions.
- Listened to and treated with sensitivity
- Never discriminated against for your chosen lifestyle.
- Provided with a support plan that centres around your needs and us regularly updated.
- Safe and not being taken advantage of in any way.
- Safe from all forms of abuse and neglect.
- Shown privacy at all times.
- Supported to engage with chosen hobbies or fun activities.
- Treated with respect and dignity.
- Given the chance to help us evaluate what we do, and how to make things even better for you and for others.